Luca Bassanese guest at the University of Padova and Verona. The experiment, Piazza Bassanese, received the interest of the academic world. The university of Padua on April 12th 2021, invites Luca Bassanese to hold an educational seminar called “Resilienze musicali e sociali. The born and development of Piazza Bassanese for the class of Studi di Scienze Sociologiche, teaching Sociologia della Cultura. A month after on May 21st 2021, Luca Bassanese is invited at the University IUSVE of Venice and Verona, to hold a meeting called “Dall’indifferenza alla partecipazione”. The music of Luca Bassanese for the rights of the offended, a propositional citizenship and a supportive society pointed towards the students of Pedagogy, Communication and Education.
photo by AIDA music