The interview with Luca Bassanese on Rai News 24, hosted by Patrizia Morgani, focuses on his position on the theme of nonviolence and his last album “La rivoluzione”.
During the interview, Bassanese explains the concept of the album, inspired by the nonviolence as a means to bring a social and political change. The artist underlined the importance of sharing messages of peace and promoting the mutual understanding between people, facing themes such as war, oppression and injustice.
Bassanese describes his commitment in the field of nonviolence that expands itself over the music and art, involving the participation of manifestations and pacifist initiatives. The artist believes that nonviolence is a powerful weapon to overcome the divisions and tensions in modern society. In the interview, Bassanese explains that his target is to use music as a tool for sensitizing people and inspire them to act in a peaceful way for the change. The artist faces the theme of revolution as a process of internal and external transformation, affirming that the real solution is through love and respect for others.
Finally, Luca Bassanese, interviewed by Patrizia Morgani on Rai News 24, shares his vision on nonviolence and his commitment to promoting peace and social change through music and art.
photo by AIDA music