On October 10th 2014, Luca Bassanese comes back to France, this time accompanied by a new group born on the stage of Cabaret Sauvage of Paris, the Tarantella Circus Orchestra, with two single concerts, in the room Le Zéphyr à Châteaugiron and at the Chapiteau du Parc du Thabor di Rennes, for the festival of international music Le Grand Soufflet of Brittany where he’s defined as “The minstrel, activist, poet and Italian musician who criticizes austerity by summoning fanfares and transalpine tarantellas, in a great popular and world operetta. The musician, Luca Bassanese, grew up with the records of Fabrizio De André and revived by the powerful folklore of the two Adriatic shores (the Italian and the Balkan) blowing on the burning brazier of the Italian social commitment with bursts of horn klezmer and hot winds of opera buffa. His is a modern, circus and extraordinary show, a new milestone in his work of restoration of the great Italian popular music." (international festival “Le Grand Soufflet - Rennes, France).
On the occasion of the concert in Rennes (France), standing ovation for Luca Bassanese and the Tarantella Circus Orchestra half an hour before the beginning of the show.
photo by Musikan